Fun Online French with CécileBB

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Freeee Fun Online French! 💃

Want to tinker with a bit of French but don’t want to fork out for it yet? Join Le Fun French Mailing list to get access to freeeee videos and practice handy dandy French stuff – straight to your email box. You’ll see sign up boxes scattered all over this site. Pop in your name and email address – you’ll get a confirmation email that you’ll click to say you allow me to email you and ‘Robert est votre oncle!’ ‘Bob’s your uncle!’ – the French don’t have that expression by the way – they may say ‘Et voilà!’ instead. I’m always working new entertaining material…

Free Course – 🌴 Tarzan French 🇫🇷 – ☠️ Da Bare Bones ☠️ – Phrasebook French for Beginners and Very Rusties

Free course – won’t cost you a penny, a cent or indeed a Euro!

If you just want to get-by in French on your jollies (that’s slang for holiday/vacation in case you didn’t know) you can learn some phrasebook French. This course called ‘Tarzan French – Da Bare Bones’ is free of charge. You can watch the videos on YouTube and get access to the accompanying PDFs and audios if you want them (also free of charge).

It’s for beginners or very rusties (you if you haven’t studied French for 100 years).

If you’re rubbish at finishing courses sign up here to get friendly prompts straight to your email inbox. Every few days you’ll get an email containing the short video(s) to watch. You can opt-out at any time.

Get beyond ‘Me Tarzan, you Jane’

If you like ‘Da Bare Bones’ or you want to brush up on your French the other Fun French courses are available to buy individually or you can join the Fun French Clan – a low-cost monthly membership – and get access to ALL the lessons. You can unsubscribe at any time.

What’s included in the Fun French Clan then?

Get Beyond Tarzan Level 1 – Fun Holiday French for Adults – lessons based on scenarios you’re likely to find yourself in – bakery 🥐, café ☕ , taxi 🚕 , transport 🚇 , chit chat 💬 , hotel 🛎️ , restaurant 🍽️ etc. (15 hours of video 📹, MP3 audios 🎧 of all videos so you can learn on the go, accompanying PDFs 📝 of every lesson, exercises ✍🏽 with the answers and where relevant, links to French songs 🎶 with lyrics and their translations).

This will suit you if you prefer flexible learning and a real person teaching rather than a robot! 🤖 .

On completion you’ll be impressed with how much French you can come out with in just a few lessons. 😮


I have tried various French teaching methods – books, Cds and online – but the quality of Cecile’s videos surpasses them all. They are bright, engaging and funny and use all kinds of imagery to make words and phrases stick to your brain. She pauses for you to have a go, then builds on each theme, taking turns with you to repeat and expand your vocabulary. The videos also work well as audio, useful on car journeys. These are very polished and thoughtfully produced and make some of the big-name products seem so dull!  

Steve Ellis

Get Beyond Tarzan Level 2 – Fun Holiday French for Adults – lessons based on MORE scenarios you may find yourself in – the bar🍻, introducing family & friends 👪 , ordering ice cream 🍦, weather ☀️ 🌧️ ☂️, camping 🏕️ , market 🍒 🍍 🍓 🍑 🥕, buying cheese 🧀 , saying you’re hurt 🤕 , hospital 🏥 🚑 🤒 , pharmacy ⚕️ ⚗️ 💊 & you’ll visit the Palais de Versailles 🏰 🔮 👑 . (15 hours of video 📹, MP3 audios 🎧 of all videos so you can learn on the go, accompanying PDFs 📝 of every lesson, exercises ✍🏽 with the answers and where relevant, links to French songs 🎶 with lyrics and their translations).

This course is for people who want to take their French to the next level. It’s much more challenging but still a lot of fun. You’ll be learning some fancy French without it feeling like a chore!

On completion you’ll be able to express yourself in the past, present and future tenses and much much more! Level WOW! 🤩

Then what? The Tarzan courses will build your confidence to have a go and speak some mighty fine comedy French.

This is what! 👉 Fun French Grammar (ha ha ha!) 😂

Whether you scoff at the word ‘fun’ when associated with the word ‘grammar’ or you’re one of those people who likes a more forensic look at what you study 🔎 , getting a firmer grip on la grammaire will unravel the knotted string that joins French sentences together.

The Fun French Grammar courses dive more deeply into la grammaire. Rest assured that I use fun, quirky, and sometimes downright daft ways of making the tricky stuff stick better to your memory.

The focus is much more on everyday spoken French so you’re not saying the equivalent of ‘How do you do?’, ‘The journey went spiffingly.’ and ‘Toodle pip.’ 💂

I’ve created the kind of courses I’d’ve relished doing when learning a foreign language. Whether you’re just tinkering with le French, or you want to get beyond single words and pointing on your next jaunt to la France or you want to become more fluent and have a full blown conversation with the locals – I’ll guide you step-by-step. 👣 👣 👣


My first venture into on-line learning and what a pleasant surprise. Cecile brings the subject to life and her enthusiasm for French shines through in her use of memorable and fun examples, illustrated in a highly visual way. A very engaging teacher who manages to bring the subject to life and make it real – a million miles away from the dusty French I remember from lessons in the past. Merci.

Andrew Glynn

Language learning is tricky – there’s no doubt about it (don’t get me stared on language learning material with the word ‘easy’ in the title!). Learning a foreign language can absolutely be super exciting and does absolutely not have to be boring!

In fact, it can be extremely rewarding! The feeling of accomplishment is epic but better still – conversing with French speakers in their own language will create brilliant encounters, friendships and wonderful memories of trying out French. Whether you get what you ordered or fall flat on your face with cringe-worthy French. It will totally transform your time in France and other French speaking countries. Oui oui!

Join the monthly membership – Fun French Clan

All these are online video lessons so you can pop in your hair-rollers, learn in your boxer shorts, learn on your commute or on your daily walk in the woods. You can buy the courses individually or join the Fun French Clan – a low-cost monthly membership (pay what you feel comfortable with) – you can unsubscribe at any time!

As well as videos there are loads of audios (so you can learn on the go), speaking, listening, reading and writing exercises (with the answers so you can cheat), cultural stuff (celebrations, songs, poetry, famous people bios, quirky stuff, random stuff).

Whether you’re learning for leisure or you’re serious about learning French you’re covered.

Learn conversational French in an informal way with a human personal touch not a robot. C’est fantastique!

If you have any questions, pray contact me for more information.

Come and try the Fun French Clan out for size. Toodle-pit now!

Mwah Mwah!


I wanted to learn some French. I was working in France and travelling extensively, I even had a holiday home, a Maison Secondaire. So, I needed to get into the French language rapidly. Importantly, I needed both a depth and breadth beyond that of school French and holiday phrase book French. I found all of that in Everyday French with CecileBB. The ongoing course, based around a progressive series of video lessons, backed by summary pages and translation exercises provide an expanding and deep insight into the language. Each lesson introduces you to grammar, vocabulary, common French usage and more. Lessons are also structured into groups where specifc themes are developed, expanded and consolidated. From a basic beginning each video takes you deeper into the language. Each lesson is structured to lead you, one sentence at a time, through the grammar and usage to produce execute and accurate translation. By pausing the video and doing   everything yourself you can quickly advance and gain confidence. Each lesson is delivered in a fun and interesting way with humour and introduces you to learning devices to help you remember vocabulary and the way to do things. The series of videos forms the perfect archive to return into and consolidate your knowledge. Cecile has a perfect French accent, so, by listening and repetition you also get the ideal opportunity to speak French in a way that the French understand.  There is also a wealth of additional video and audio material you can access with the course relating to French life, music and culture. All of this takes you deeper into understanding the French language and people. The French appreciate if you try to speak French. They are more impressed if you can use the correct grammar and idioms. Simply to master pronouns and the proper tenses of verbs shows a mastery that makes conversations more relevant and rewarding. Everyday French with CecileBB gives you this start. It is more than a basic course simply to get by. It is an introduction to sound foundations upon which to build an expanding knowledge of the French language and culture. With it you will learn to speak and understand and to read and to write in good French. I cannot recommend it highly enough.  Professor J I Gillespie