Local Fun French Conversations Classes for Adults with CécileBB

Speak le French with more confidence …and fluency

What if you could take your French from:

  • comme ci comme ça to ooh la la!
  • passé to à la mode
  • gauche to àdroite
  • soupe du jour to cordon bleu
  • je ne sais pas to having more je ne sais quoi?

All while having a chit chat about this n’ that with fellow French learners and me CécileBB – a qualified bi-lingual French teacher.

Marie speaks French

Marie has been coming to my classes for a few years now. Her daughter and grandchildren live in France. She has a good reason to learn but she always enjoyed French even when she was younger.

As a teenager she went to spend time with a French family. She was doing French at school. You know the sort – straight out of a textbook.

This French family didn’t speak English so Marie was thrown in at the deep end.

After a few days of treading water she found herself really communicating in French. It wasn’t perfect but she became more and more fluent.

Imagine her delight! That experience has never left her. It remains a pivotal moment in her life.

Many people complain to me that they struggle to speak French. When I ask them how much they practise the answer is pretty much always ‘hardly ever/never’…

If you can immerse yourself in a French speaking environment in France brilliant! If that’s not an option yet then I have an alternative.

Kirkgate Centre, Shipley, West Yorkshire, UK

Want to improve your spoken French?

Come along to the Kirkgate Centre in Shipley on Tuesdays afternoons 2-3pm pour pratiquer votre français.

Note: Due to Coronavirus these are on Zoom – please contact me if you’re interested.

The idea is to practise your French – it’s not about comparing yourself to anyone else but improving your very own French. It’s about creating a relaxed supportive atmosphere, getting to know one another and having a good old chinwag.

  • Peut-être vous allez en France bientôt – Perhaps you’re going to France soon
  • Peut-être vous voulez vous distraire – Perhaps you’d like something to do
  • Peut-être vous aimez bavarder – Perhaps you like to chat
  • Peut-être vous voulez réessayer votre français – Perhaps you’d like to try out your French again

Come along – we can pick a topic, you can suggest some. It’s a flexible, friendly & supportive group. Mistakes are allowed! I always say it’s better to be wrong than silent. I can help you if you speak – that’s my job. If you’re allergic to mistakes you’ll be stuck on that French plateau (and I don’t mean the fruits de mer type!).

Term time only

My daughter is at school so I work term times only (Bradford dates).

C’est combien?


Contact me

If you would like to come along get in contact me or if you have any questions ask away.


Cecile’s approach to teaching the French conversation class is friendly, relaxed and very supportive. I’ve enjoyed the opportunities to practise speaking using idioms and everyday expressions, as well as revising grammatical structures. I also feel I’ve ‘tuned in’ more to the language and have learned more about French language and culture. My pronunciation has improved too! The class has been very enjoyable and informative. Cecile helped to give me the confidence to have a go at speaking French in a variety of situations when I was there recently. Merci beaucoup Cecile.


Cecile’s methods of teaching are creative and stimulating. Her sense of humour and attitude puts you at ease. I would highly recommend Cecile as a teacher to anybody who wants to learn whilst enjoying it without it seeming like a chore.

Jason S

Contactez-moi to secure your place. If you cannot make that time then get in touch anyway and I can pop your name on my list.

I make fun videos that are available for free so if you’d like to get them sent to you by email then sign up here.

Merci beaucoup!

Mwah Mwah!

If you’re mega keen to learn le French, one other, fab, fun, not boring option is to come and join the Fun French Clan – a low-cost monthly membership where you’ll get access to ALL the wonderfully engaging Fun French courses. 100s of videos, audios & PDFs galore! You’ll be able to fill your bottes(boots) and come out laughing in French! Check it out by clicking here.