Si vous parlez déjà un peu de français venez le pratiquer sur Zoom, si ça vous dit.
If you already speak a bit of French come and practise it on Zoom, if you fancy it.
Fun French conversation sessions for intermediates, via Zoom, alternate Thursdays 1-2pm & 7-8pm UK time. They take place fortnightly during term times starting Thursday 11th January 2024.
Here’s a time zone converter.
If this time is a not good for you then contact me with your availability. If enough people can form a group I’ll let you know.
If you can make that time check out the 3 options below so you can have some informal chats in French with other people keen to improve their French too.
The 3 Fun French Conversation for Intermediates via Zoom options:
1️ Dippers – Just dipping my toes in and out of French
1️ Dippers – Pay as you go – £8.00/session – Click here to sign-up for Dippers 👉🏽 https://courses.cecilebb.com/products/courses/view/37

Click the Dippers link if you’re busy or can’t make all the sessions or want to try before you buy or don’t want to commit yet. Every bit of speaking practice will help you to feel more confident. It all counts!
You’ll gain confidence and courage for speaking to native speakers by speaking to other people in the same bateau as you. And you’ll gain fluency by conjuring up French in informal everyday conversations – talking about the kind of stuff you’ll be talking about to French-speaking natives. You can’t get better at speaking French by reading a book – only by actually speaking it. But you knew that!
2 Long distance – I’m in for the long-haul!

2 Long distance – Sign up for the rest of 2024 – £160.00 (⭐ free bonus ⭐ – you can pick one Fun French course of your choice – the subjunctive anyone?) – Click here to sign-up for Long distance 👉🏽 https://courses.cecilebb.com/products/courses/view/37
Click the Long distance link if you want some accountability and regular practice to advance your level of spoken French and understanding of spoken French – big time! This is for you if you’re here to walk your talk or should I say talk your talk in French!
Many people need deadlines or to make a promise (a commitment) to themselves or others to show up and actually do the work. Otherwise, there would be no need for schools or teachers once we could read! Having accountability is a great technique to improve your French.
If commitment makes you want to run to the hills – use your inner rebel to prove a point to anyone who ever doubted you in the past. Whether that be a teacher, family, friend, partner or most likely, yourself! ‘Think I can’t learn to get by in French! I’ll show you!’
3 Deep divers – This is the year for French – I’m all in – gimme those lessons too!

3 Deep divers – Sign up for the rest of 2024 + get the Fun French Clan to get access over 100 lessons of Fun French Lessons until New Year’s Eve 2024 (23:59 GMT) – £225.
Plus there’s a challenge to earn 500 Engagement Points (EPs) by the end of the year to get you super focused for those of you who love a goal – Click here to sign-up for Deep divers 👉🏽 https://courses.cecilebb.com/products/courses/view/37
Click the Deep divers link if you not only want to improve your level of spoken French and understanding of spoken French but you also want to make a lot progress by learning new vocabulary, expressions and getting to grips with grammar without it feeling like a chore or a bore – non, non et non! The lessons are challenging but fun!
That way, each time you come to chat you’ll have learnt how to put together your very own fancier French sentences with more frills & thrills! By doing the lessons a lot of your questions will be answered, the French will be more likely to wiggle its way to your longterm memory and you’ll speak much better French.
One student who did all the online lessons managed to do them all in a year! Now that’s what I call deep diving – she took herself from zéro to héro. If you’d like to put in the work this year so that this time next year you feel like un héro – dive in! C’est fantastique!
Dates & Time (UK Time)
The sessions in 2024 are taking place fortnightly (except school holidays) term time only. 22 sessions in total.
Thursdays 1-2pm & 7-8pm UK time. 🕐
Here are the planned (subject to change but only in case of emergencies) dates for 2024:
January: 11th & 25th
February: 8th & 22nd
March: 7th & 21st
Easter break
April: 11th & 25th
May: 9th & 23rd
June: 6th & 20th
July: 4th & 18th
Aug (summer holidays)
September: 5th & 19th
October: 3rd & 17th
November: 7th & 21st
December: 5th & 19th
How will the sessions work?
We’ll chat about you and you’ll get the chance to ask each other questions. You’ll also go into breakout rooms in pairs or small groups to chat to one another. I’ll give you some themes as conversations starters but you’ll be free to chat about what you like. Sometimes, we’ll play daft guessing games to expand your vocabulary and hone in on your listening skills. I’ll sprinkle in some grammar to remind you and we’ll work on your accent. You can suggest topics too.
Mind monkeys 🐒 🐒 🐒
Remember this is a group to practise speaking French in order to improve your French. It’s not for people with perfect French – it’s for you if you want to make progress with your spoken French and understanding of spoken French in a safe, friendly place with me to guide you and others who are there in the same boat as you
I’ll be there to help you with le vocabulaire, la grammaire, les expressions et l’argot (slang). Bring your Franglais, your comedy French, your gaping gaps, your tip of the tongue French. That’s the whole point! And to have fun of course.
Tell the mind monkeys 🐒 🐒 🐒 to back off if they’re going on about how you’ll forget everything, look foolish, too rusty, shy etc. etc.
One technique I heard about which works really well is to replace the word ‘scared’ with ‘excited.’ So rather than saying to yourself ‘I’m scared’ say ‘I’m excited!’. After all, learning stuff should be and is exciting! Oui, oui!
I suggested it to my daughter when she was going to a French activity session for a couple of weeks in France one summer. We live in the UK so she was nervous about meeting new people and having to speak in French all day. She repeated ‘I’m excited!’ to herself on our way there and it changed her fear into a happy buzz. She’s now keen to go there every summer – but always a little nervous before. I am too before meeting new people. It’s a perfectly natural feeling but it musn’t hold us back from doing what we fancy doing.
Try it and also picture yourself chatting and laughing away the next time you’re in France or other French speaking countries. This is called future pacing and primes your mind to look forward to your end goals and feel good!
Anyhow, I’ll be there to welcome you with wide open arms and support you all the way. Join the conversation sessions here.
I really love hearing your stories and getting to know you. I can’t wait to meet you! I’m excited in fact – eek!
À jeudi j’espère! 👍🏾
CécileBB 🙂

P.S. If you know anyone, who speaks a bit of French, who may enjoy practising it with others, please let them know. Merci beaucoup 😀
P.P.S. This conversation class isn’t suitable for complete beginners. If you’d like to receive emails to be notified of new beginners courses please join the mailing list – Click here to sign up. If you just want a bit of phrasebook French you can can get access to this free course called Tarzan French – Da Bare Bones – Click the link to get it for free 👉🏼 https://bit.ly/3FyhBqs.